SurvOmics: a multi-omics database for cancer survival analysis

What is SurvOmics?

SurvOmicsis a multiple omics database incorporating somatic mutation, RNA expression, DNA methylation, copy number variation, and clinical variables into multiple survival analyses in 33 cancer types. In this database, two main functions, 'Cancer' and ''Gene',' are provided for researchers to investigate the prognostic genes of interested omics and cancer types. Furthermore, 'Customized analysis' is provided to identify prognostic biomarkers in specific groups of patients based on users' interests.

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The 'Cancer' function summarizes the calculated results of prognostic genes in multi-omics levels by using published bioinformatics algorithms or tools for a specific cancer type or dataset. The important molecular pathway related to survival is also presented.

The 'Gene' function provides the multi-omics and multiple survival analyses of a user-selected gene within cancer types or datasets. Selected integrative multi-omics analyses are also presented.

The 'Customized analysis' function allows users to construct their gene-based signature or multivariate regression model by uploading the specific candidate gene list or clinical factors they are interested in.
